Data Access

If you are interested in studying endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain, you may be able to access the data we have available through the DREPP. Data is available upon request to qualified investigators as per current ethical approvals and data sharing agreements set by the IWK Research Ethics Board.
To access a data request form please email: ECPPresearch@iwk.nshealth.ca
We are always looking to expand our network and connect with new research partners with interests in endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain.
If you are a part of a research team whose work aligns with our mission to understand the mechanisms and management of chronic pelvic pain, we would love to hear from you. If you would like to collaborate, please send an email to ECPPresearch@iwk.nshealth.ca telling us a bit about you and your research.
Translating Research Into Care (TRIC) Level 1 Grant - 2019
Translating Research Into Care (TRIC) Level 1 Grant - 2023
IWK Research Centre Phase 1 Development Grant - 2023
Herrick Donation - 2023
Tel: 902-470-7473