Donor Feature (pg. 24): REMEDY MAGAZINE FINAL WEB.pdf (dal.ca)
VoxMeDAL (pg. 113): 28312 VoxMeDAL Spring 2021.pdf
Global News: Nova Scotia woman recounts long, painful road to an endometriosis diagnosis
CBC News: Misunderstood and underdiagnosed, Canadian patients wait years for endometriosis care
CBC News: Annapolis Valley woman concerned about wait time for endometriosis clinic
IWK to open Atlantic Canada's first endometriosis clinic | CBC News
Patient Testimony from IWK's Gratitude Report 2023 :
Gratitude Report 2023 10Pages Digital 8.5x11.pdf (iwkfoundation.org)
Other Features

Left to right : Faith Lamoureux, Susan Leblanc (MLA for Dartmouth North), (front) Suzy Hansen (MLA for Halifax Needham), (back) Lisa Lachance (MLA for Halifax Citadel-Sable Island), Claudia Chender (NSNDP Leader, MLA for Dartmouth South), (front in pink) Maggie Archibald, (back with glasses) Leah Pink, (front) Dr. Allana Munro, (back) Katherine Hawkins, Linda MacEachern, Hon. Michelle Thompson (Minister of Health and Wellness)
NSNDP: Nova Scotians with endometriosis suffer without adequate supports
Susan LeBlanc, MLA: IWK's Endometriosis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Clinic
Tel: 902-470-7473